conduct a meeting

conduct a meeting
проводить заседание
проводить совещание

Англо-русский дипломатический словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "conduct a meeting" в других словарях:

  • meeting — / mi:tɪŋ/ noun an event at which a group of people come together in order to discuss matters of common interest to them ♦ to hold a meeting to organise a meeting of a group of people ● The meeting will be held in the committee room. ♦ to open a… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • conduct — conductible, adj. conductibility, n. n. /kon dukt/; v. /keuhn dukt /, n. 1. personal behavior; way of acting; bearing or deportment. 2. direction or management; execution: the conduct of a business. 3. the act of conducting; guidance; escort: The …   Universalium

  • meeting of the minds — meeting of the minds: assent to the mutually agreed upon and understood terms of an agreement by the parties to a contract that may be manifest by objective signs of intent (as conduct) the parties had not reached a meeting of the minds, and they …   Law dictionary

  • meeting — n. 1) to call, convene a meeting 2) to arrange, hold, organize a meeting 3) to chair, conduct, preside over a meeting 4) to adjourn; break up a meeting 5) to call off, cancel a meeting 6) a chance; clandestine, secret; closed; mass; open;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • conduct — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 way of behaving ADJECTIVE ▪ good ▪ The prisoner was released early for good conduct. ▪ discreditable (BrE), disgraceful, immoral, improper …   Collocations dictionary

  • meeting — noun 1 when people come together to discuss/decide sth ADJECTIVE ▪ frequent, regular ▪ annual, biannual, biennial, daily, monthly, quarterly, weekly …   Collocations dictionary

  • meeting — A coming together of persons; an assembly. Particularly, in law, an assembling of a number of persons for the purpose of discussing and acting upon some matter or matters in which they have a common interest; e.g. in corporate law, a meeting of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • meeting — A coming together of persons; an assembly. Particularly, in law, an assembling of a number of persons for the purpose of discussing and acting upon some matter or matters in which they have a common interest; e.g. in corporate law, a meeting of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Meeting of the minds — For the talk show, see Meeting of Minds. Meeting of the minds (also referred to as mutual agreement, mutual assent or consensus ad idem) is a phrase in contract law used to describe the intentions of the parties forming the contract. In… …   Wikipedia

  • meeting — /mee ting/, n. 1. the act of coming together: a chance meeting in the park. 2. an assembly or conference of persons for a specific purpose: a ten o clock business meeting. 3. the body of persons present at an assembly or conference: to read a… …   Universalium

  • meeting — /ˈmitɪŋ / (say meeting) noun 1. a coming together. 2. an assembling, as of persons for some purpose. 3. an assembly or gathering held. 4. an assembly of people with responsibilities towards an organisation, held to conduct the business of that… …  

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